Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Axis Mundi (Ménage-à-tree)

To a hug a tree...

One of the more original assignments I've ever had.
Oh, Sexson.

Might as well hug two. At the same time.


While embracing the not-so-soft skin of the tree, I began to wonder if this tree had ever been hugged before. Surely, it must have been. For how long it has been here, 20? 30? 40 years? Has no one held this tree? But no matter the amount the of personal relations this tree has had, I became more intrigued in what had it seen, what had it experienced? I wish it could talk and share it's life. A happy seedling, not far from the roots of its mother. The day it's first squirrel scampered it's branches or a bird called it home. The chill of Montana winters. The tragedy of its friends being cut down around it. People relaxing in it's shade. The stories it could tell!

Despite all the definitions and relate-able objects for Axis Mundi, I can see the tree being the most realistic and fitting. Yggdrasil was literally the Tree of Existence in Norse mythologies, The Tree of Knowledge in the bible, Apollo and Daphne, 1,000 year-old Cherry trees in Japan. Trees always been and always will be important, either as being literally powerful or just serving as powerful symbolism.
So much depends on a tree.

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